Time and Date Calculator
Calculate time and dates with incredible ease using the most convenient time calculators.
Add/Subtract Days to Date
Days Between Dates
Time in Different Units
Key Features of the Time and Date Calculator
The Time and Date calculator is a simple tool to help you find out the duration between two
different times or dates. You can use this versatile calculator to calculate the number of years, months, days,
hours, minutes, and seconds between two timelines, find the number of days before or after an event or
convert time into different units. The simple, free calculator is easy to use and can be accessed from different
devices and browsers, helping you to plan and organize with ease.
Add Or Subtract From A Date
Use this feature to add or subtract days and time from a given day/time to get the new date. This intuitive tool also gives you crucial information about that date. You can use this feature to calculate your next payday or the weekday date easily.
Days Between Dates
This feature allows you to know the number of days, hours, and minutes between two specific dates. You can either choose to include or exclude certain days, such as the ending day, weekends, or holidays. Use this feature to:
- Calculate your age in years, days, hours, and minutes
- Count the number of days to a given date to help you plan for special events such as anniversaries, weddings, vacations, and graduations
- Calculate the number of days left to go for a vacation or leave
- Calculate the number of days left to complete an assignment or task
- Calculate the number of working and non-working days between two dates
- Calculate the number of days and hours in a job for hourly pay calculation
- Calculate the number of overtime days
Time Calculator
Add or subtract days, hours, minutes, and seconds with ease.
- You can use this feature to calculate the number of hours that you’ve worked to get the hourly pay
- You can also use this feature to count the amount of time spent in a gym, a vacation or when working on a task
Time in Different Units
This feature allows you to input the months, week, days, hours, minutes, and seconds to get it converted to different units. You can use this feature to calculate the duration of events in various time units.
Why the Time and Date Calculator will be Useful for You
Are you wondering how long until your next birthday or payday? Trying to figure out the number of days to Easter? Or the number of workdays until Christmas? Time & Date Calculator is an intuitive tool designed just for that.
This easy to use online calculator has everything you need to do various date manipulations quickly and with excellent user experience. Use this tool to do your weekday calculations, age calculations, or find out the duration to and from an event with ease.